Welcome to Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
The Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Pharmacy Service exists to ensure people who use our services get the best outcome from their medicines. .
We do this by providing:
- Accurate and independent information about medicines to people who use our services, carers, staff and other healthcare professionals
- Tailored education and training programmes to support people who use our services, carers, staff and other healthcare professionals
- Clinical pharmacy services to ensure people get the right medicines within our services
- Supply and distribution activities to support access to medicines in our services
- Strategic support to ensure that medicines management resources are used cost effectively within Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Strategic support to make sure our governance systems and processes are safe and effective and joined up across the local health economy
We operate primarily from our in house pharmacy based at Farnham Road Hospital, Guildford. We are also supported, via contractual agreements, by other local community and acute NHS Trust Pharmacy Services.
For enquiries about your medication, please contact your GP or Local Community Pharmacy.
For information about medicines you have been supplied by us, please call our Pharmacy on:
01483 443697
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
18 Mole Business Park
KT22 7AD
Director of Quality Improvement and Medicines Optimisation:
Simon Whitfield
01483 443730