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Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Home
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Welcome to Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

The Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Pharmacy Service aims to deliver an outstanding level of medicines management by optimising medicines use and outcomes for all those that we serve.

We do this by:

  • Specialist mental health pharmacists and ward-based Medicines Management Technicians working as integral members of multidisciplinary teams
  • An accredited Medicines Information department providing independent, accurate and evidence-based information for healthcare professionals, service users and carers
  • Providing person-centred medicines management to support recovery
  • Collaborating with our partners in the local health economy to ensure medicines management resources are used cost-effectively

For our clinical divisions providing mental health services, we have an in-house pharmacy service with specialist pharmacists and technicians.

Pharmacy Contact Details:
General Pharmacy Enquiries:01865 904888 or 904741
To contact a clinical pharmacy team, please contact the number above and you will be directed appropriately.

Medicines Information Department:
E: Med.Info@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk
T: 01865 904365

Questions, Comments or Complaints about the Pharmacy Service:
Chief Pharmacist: Michael Marven
T: 01865 904514
E: Michael.Marven@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Warneford Hospital, Warneford Lane
Headington, Oxford

Chief Pharmacist: Michael Marven
T: 01865 904514
E: Michael.Marven@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk