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Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Welcome to Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

The Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Medicines Management team proactively supports staff, service users and carers in achieving safe and effective use and management of medicines by providing a responsive, high quality and friendly service. Recovery principles are at the heart of everything we do, to ensure the best possible health outcomes, benefits and experience for all people who take medicines for mental health conditions.

We do this by providing:

  • Clinical pharmacy and medicines management services to maximise the benefit from medicines by our service users
  • Support, advice and education to other health and social care professionals, service users and carers to ensure that medicines are used safely and cost effectively
  • Accurate and independent information and education about medicines

A trust wide service is provided by the medicines management team consisting of specialist pharmacists, senior pharmacy technicians and a specialist nurse.

This site provides information about medication used for mental health conditions and we have tried to make it easy for you to search for and find information. However please let us know if you think the site could be improved.
Email: medicinesmanagement@somersetFT.nhs.uk