New Resource Added – Very Easy Read Leaflets (VERAs)
Posted on 26th April 2017 by Lisa Yates
I’m glad to report that all Choice and Medication Website subscribers in UK and RoI now have access to 160 VERAs (Very Easy-ReAd leaflets) to use as a resource aid in discussions with people who have learning disabilities and other groups with similar problems.
The VERAs cover all the main medicines in mental health (including a wide range of anticonvulsants too) and have been designed in collaboration with Danielle Adams from Herts Parts (see the CPPE LD book page ix). They meet the legally required Accessible Information Standards, and about time too because the alternatives have been somewhat flawed and out-of-date.
Any comments, feedback and suggestions you may have would be most welcome! Please contact Lisa via:
PS: NZ and Australian VERAs are also in preparation so will follow shortly!